2/8/2025 - Saturday - FSM Richardson -- 10:00am - 2:00pm​
2/15/2025 - Saturday - FSM Richardson -- 10:00am - 2:00pm
Individual orders available anytime -- Just call or email!

of the Week:
The Kettle Corn Company
Grapevine, Texas
Every batch popped from scratch!

The Kettle Corn Company is excited to offer two great opportunities to help raise funds for non-profit organizations or groups! Our pricing structure reflects a commitment by The Kettle Corn Company to help our community and is not designed to provide wholesale pricing to individuals or groups using our product for personal or corporate profit. The fundraisers are comprised of selling our medium bags (11 oz. each) of kettle corn to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and/or spectators. Our two types of fundraisers are listed below, and 20% of the net profit will be given back to your non-profit organization once your event is over or all orders have been placed and fulfilled.
On-site Sales: We come to your event, set up our equipment and supplies, pop the kettle corn, and sell our product to your attendees. At this time and due to our schedule, we are only available for on-site sales on weekends or possibly evenings.
Direct Sales: We provide order forms for your members to sell directly to family, friends and neighbors.
For more information on both types of fundraisers, please email or call.
The more you sell, the more you earn for your group!